In most cases, the firmware installed on the 3D printer is not something we think about often, as the stock (default) firmware that the 3D printer ships with is perfectly sufficient for the 3D printing process to become a success in almost every scenario.
On the other hand, trying out new firmware that brings a unique set of features and improvements to the 3D printing process can usually be highly beneficial, as it’s entirely possible for a particular firmware to fully unlock the potential of your 3D printer’s hardware and improve both the print quality and your 3D printing experience as the user.
In today’s article, our topic will be the process of installing the Jyers Firmware (JyersUI) for the Ender 3 V2, a widely preferred alternative to Creality’s stock firmware that the Ender 3 V2 ships with, which many community members enjoy due to the improvements and the extra functionality and it brings to the table.
So, how can you install the Jyers Firmware on the Ender 3 V2?
Installing the Jyers Firmware on your Ender 3 V2 is one of the most straightforward processes ever, as all you will need to do is to download the firmware file, copy it to the SD card you’re using with your Ender 3 V2, insert the SD card, and finally, power on your 3D printer.
In the upcoming sections, we will be taking a deeper look into the process of installing the Jyers Firmware on the Ender 3 V2, find out more about what the Jyers Firmware is, go through the extra features that the Jyers Firmware brings to the Ender 3 V2, and finally, discuss whether the Jyers Firmware works with the BLTouch automatic bed leveling sensor.
Table of Contents
How to Install the Jyers Firmware (JyersUI) on the Ender 3 V2?
As the process of firmware installation is not exactly something that a 3D printing enthusiast needs to go through to get the 3D printer to function, finding out where to start can be slightly challenging if it’s your first time installing new firmware on your 3D printer.
Below, you can find a detailed step-by-step guide that you can follow to install the Jyers firmware on your Ender 3 V2:
- Make a backup of the current motion settings of your Ender 3 V2 by navigating to the Control -> Motion sub-menu and noting down all the values in the Max Speed, Max Acceleration, Max Corner (Jerk), and Transmission Ratio (E-Steps) sections.
- Turn your Ender 3 V2 off.
- Remove the mainboard cover to learn the mainboard version of your Ender 3 V2, which should either be V4.2.2 or V4.2.7 (written right under the Creality logo).
- Navigate to the releases page for Jyers Firmware.
- Grab the pre-compiled firmware file (ones with the extension .bin) that suits the hardware of your Ender 3 V2, and your purposes. If you don’t know what the letters on the filenames mean, consult the guide that we have added to the end of this section, as it’s vital to choose the correct option.
- Insert the SD card you currently use with your Ender 3 V2 into your computer and empty it.
- Copy the firmware file into the SD card.
- Take the SD card out of your computer, and insert it into your Ender 3 V2.
- Power on your Ender 3 V2, and wait a few seconds. Once your Ender 3 V2 boots, the Jyers Firmware should be installed.
- Navigate to the Control -> Motion sub-menu, re-adjust all settings to match the backup you made in step 1, and save settings to the EEPROM by using the Store Settings command.
- Navigate to the Control -> Temperature -> PID -> Hotend sub-menu, click the Autotune option to perform a PID autotune, and save settings to the EEPROM once again by using the Store Settings command.
Below is a list of the meanings of the filename strings that you can find in the Jyers Firmware releases section, which will help you choose the correct file for your purposes (mentioned in step 5):
- v4.2.2 – Refers to the Creality v4.2.2 mainboard
- v4.2.7 – Refers to the Creality v4.2.7 mainboard
- HS – BLTouch High Speed (HS) Mode
- 3×3 – 3×3 grid (9-point) mesh bed leveling
- 5×5 – 5×5 grid (25-point) mesh bed leveling
- 10×10 – 10×10 grid (100-point) mesh bed leveling (unified)
- 15×15 – 15×15 grid (225-point) mesh bed leveling (unified)
- ManualMesh – Mesh bed leveling without BLTouch
- UBL – Unified Bed Leveling
- NoProbe – No BLTouch
- BLTouch – BLTouch supported
What Is the Jyers Firmware (JyersUI) for the Ender 3 V2?
The topic of 3D printer firmware can become slightly confusing at times with many different options available, especially considering that most of the popular 3D printer firmware, such as Marlin and Klipper, is open-source, allowing the community members to create their customized forks.
Jyers Firmware (JyersUI) is a fork of the Marlin firmware, meaning that it’s essentially a version of Marlin firmware with a set of custom changes and configurations applied by the developer to bring improvements and extra functionality that did not exist in the original version of Marlin.
As both Jyers Firmware (JyersUI) and Marlin firmware are fully open source software, you access the source files on their GitHub pages to know exactly the code that makes up both Jyers Firmware and Marlin firmware, where they share the same code, and where they differ from one another.
It’s also worth mentioning that Jyers Firmware is not the only Marlin fork, and it’s possible to find many other widespread examples of firmware that are forked from Marlin, such as Creality firmware, which is the firmware that the Creality 3D printers ship with, and Prusa firmware, which is the firmware that is installed by default on Prusa 3D printers.
Which Features Does the Jyers Firmware (JyersUI) Bring to the Ender 3 V2?
It’s essential to have a good understanding of the features that a particular firmware will bring to your 3D printer before committing to switch the firmware, as this information determines whether moving away from the firmware you’re currently using is a good idea or not.
While there isn’t an official list of the features that Jyers Firmware brings to the Ender 3 V2, we have listed the ones that stand out the most, which become apparent as soon as you make the switch from the stock Creality firmware:
- EEPROM Saving (Added in later versions of the Creality firmware)
- Assisted Filament Change & M600 G-Code Command Support
- PID Autotuning
- Assisted Manual Leveling
- Manual Mesh Leveling
- Z Offset Tuning & Live Adjust
- Preheat Profiles (Up to 5)
- Display Customization
Aside from the features that we have listed above, the consensus in the 3D printing community is that the Jyers Firmware consists of many bugfixes compared to the stock Creality firmware, reducing the chance that you face issues related to the firmware in your 3D printing journey.
Does the Jyers Firmware Work with the BLTouch Auto Bed Leveling Sensor?
As it’s necessary for the firmware to support the BLTouch auto bed leveling sensor, it’s natural to wonder whether the Jyers Firmware would be compatible with the BLTouch if you are currently using the BLTouch to level the bed of your Ender 3 V2 automatically.
Jyers Firmware does indeed support the usage of the BLTouch automatic bed leveling sensor and, in fact, offers a few different pre-compiled versions that are specifically configured for the purposes of usage with the BLTouch, which you can directly install on your Ender 3 V2 without any manual configuration.
Right now, it’s possible to find BLTouch-supported pre-compiled Jyers Firmware files for both Creality v4.2.2 and v.4.2.7 mainboards, with or without the BLTouch high speed mode enabled, with either 3×3 or 5×5 mesh size options for ABL, and 10×10 or 15×15 mesh size options for UBL.
Wrapping Up
While installing the Jyers Firmware on your Ender 3 V2 can seem like a daunting task if you have no prior familiarity with the process of firmware updating, it’s actually one of the most straightforward processes you will face in 3D printing that you can quickly get through without the need for any technical expertise.
To quickly recap, as the Ender 3 V2 allows direct installation of firmware through the SD card without the need to take any extra steps, installing the Jyers Firmware to your Ender 3 V2 is as simple as copying the firmware file to the SD card that you’re using with your Ender 3 V2, inserting it, and powering on the 3D printer.
While there are a few things that you will need to do to prepare for the installation, such as backing up any customizations that you have performed while using the current firmware and choosing the correct Jyers Firmware version for your purposes, these steps shouldn’t take too much of your time or effort either.
Happy printing!

Mike started his 3D printing journey with the Anet A8 when it first came out back in 2017, and has been obsessed with 3D printers ever since. Nowadays, he primarily uses his Ender 3 to print functional parts that make his life more convenient whenever possible.